The Glacier National Park Conservancy works to preserve and protect Glacier National Park for future generations. As the organization has grown, two of the main challenges have been:
1) creating new avenues for fundraising to grow their ability to support critical projects in the park, and
2) creating and growing a workforce culture that provides opportunities for a diverse group of co-workers to engage in this important work.
Project Overview:
More than half of the Glacier Conservancy team is comprised of seasonal workers, and finding, maintaining, and growing affordable housing solutions is a key imperative to success in both areas. The Conservancy strives to provide higher hourly wages, offers affordable housing (through the Beta Rd. House) for seasonal workers, and aims to increase staff diversity in hiring.
The 12.09 kW solar array will offset approximately 76% of current consumption. In addition, this project will provide an electric vehicle charging station, allowing staff to use a cleaner/greener means to reach their work locations within Glacier.
Overall, going solar will help Glacier National Park Conservancy reduce its operating expenses, and that will in turn allow them to fund more projects in the park while helping to retain the ability to provide affordable workforce housing for its seasonal workforce.